A Special Digital Floor Screen in a Childcare Space Created With Screen Paint

The space we’re introducing today is an after-school care facility managed by the Imsil Education Support Office. In this environment, children can run, play, and explore freely without fear of injury. Much like a specialized kid’s zone, it is designed to encourage movement and activity as natural parts of childhood development.
A Special Digital Floor Screen in a Childcare Space Created With Screen Paint

Our Challenge: Maximizing the Space’s Potential

At Paintpam, we took on the challenge of enhancing the functionality of this area. Instead of focusing solely on aesthetic appeal, we asked deeper questions:

Why do children run?

Why is running important for them?

Designing spaces purely from an interior perspective risks missing the real value for the end user—in this case, the children. While Screen Paint’s versatility can create visually stunning environments, misaligned content or improper design might lead to underutilization. To truly engage children, we had to consider their developmental needs, resulting in deliberate choices about the design, size, and location of the screen paint installations.

The Reasons Behind Children’s Movement

Through our analysis, we identified three key reasons why running and movement are essential for children:

1. Physical Development

As children grow, their muscles and motor skills develop, naturally increasing their activity levels.

2. Cognitive Development

Running and movement allow children to encounter new experiences, solve problems, and foster creativity. Activities like navigating obstacles or inventing games promote curiosity and critical thinking.

3. Social Development

Group activities help children build friendships, express emotions, and release energy, which contributes to emotional regulation and stress relief.

Providing safe environments where children can engage in such activities promotes their overall development in a holistic way.

Why the Floor?

The floor is one of the most interactive and accessible surfaces for children. Using Screen Paint and projectors, we transformed ordinary flooring into an interactive digital screen. This innovation offers several key advantages:

Adaptability: Screen Paint can be applied on virtually any floor without the need for drastic changes to existing interiors.

Safety: The setup is durable and slip-resistant, ensuring children can play without injury risks.

Interactivity: IR sensors enable children to interact with the projected content, turning the floor into a dynamic playground.

Interactive Content for Active Play

Interactive Content for Active Play

The projected media on the floor isn’t just visually captivating—it sparks curiosity and encourages movement. The combination of easy accessibility and interactive elements ensures children remain engaged, learning and playing simultaneously.

For example:

• Children might jump over projected obstacles, improving coordination and spatial awareness.

• Games could involve running to specific points, enhancing physical endurance and social interaction.

Interactive Content for Active Play

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